All India Institute Of Medical Sciences

AIIMS Ansari Nagar, in front of Safdarjung Hospital at the crossing of Ring Road and Aurobindo Marg. Main entrance is on Aurobindo Marg. ( Gate No. 1)

AIIMS Hospital Delhi strives hard to make world-class clinical care available to millions of underprivileged citizens of India and neighboring countries. Its results in sophisticated medical and surgical care are among the best in the world.

AIIMS Delhi is at present, not a single hospital but a conglomerate of facilities. It has over 1500 beds spread over the main hospital, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, Cardiothoracic Centre, Neurosciences Centre, Dr. B.R.A Institute Rotary Centre Hospital and De-addiction Centre. Each year the hospital caters to about 1.5 million outpatients and 80,000 inpatients. AIIMS doctors perform around 100,000 surgeries every year.

AIIMS Hospital Delhi doctors list comprises multidisciplinary experts who serve twenty-five clinical departments including four super specialty centers. These expert physicians and surgeons manage practically all types of disease conditions with support from pre-and Para-clinical departments. However, the hospital does not entertain infectious disease patients, burns cases, and dog-bite cases.

  • Presently the department is headed by Prof. Ravinder Kumar Batra. At present, the Department provides protocolled anesthesia and ICU services to General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, IVF, ENT, Orthopaedics, Urology, Paediatric Surgery, GI surgery, RP Centre of Ophthalmic theatres, CDER (Oral and Maxillofacial surgery), and JPNA Trauma center; it also provides peripheral anesthesia services to interventional radiology, MRI, CT scan, ECT, acute and chronic pain services, resuscitation and obstetric analgesia services.

    Over the years, along with the development of Medical Sciences, the Department has set up its own high standards in patient care, education, and research. All operation theatres are equipped with state-of-the-art anesthesia machines, facilities for invasive blood pressure and CVP monitoring, Entropy and BIS monitoring and coagulation monitoring, rapid fluid infuser for major surgery, and ultrasonography for regional anesthesia blocks and vascular access.

    The intensive Care Unit (AB 8 ICU) on the 8th floor, adjoining operation theatre is equipped with modern ventilators, multiparameter monitors, ultrasonography, an echocardiography machine, and a dedicated laboratory. The ICU caters to post-surgical and medical patients.

  • The AB8 post-anesthesia recovery room (PACU) is the one of the state of the art recovery room and is equipped with multi-parameter monitors, patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)/opioid infusion pumps, anesthesia machine, and defibrillator machine for the emergency requirement.

  • The Department of Cardiology at AIIMS was established under the leadership of Prof. Sujoy B. Roy. The department has developed excellent facilities for clinical care and has fully developed facilities for adult and pediatric interventions including coronary interventions, valvuloplasty, device closure of congenital shunts, and electrophysiology services (including radiofrequency ablation, pacemaker, bi-ventricular pacemaker and cardioverter defibrillator implantation). Laboratory testing facilities include treadmill testing, holter recording, echocardiography (including transthoracic, transesophageal, 3-D and fetal echocardiography), Tilt testing for syncope and electrophysiology testing including CARTO system mapping. The department has done pioneering work in the field of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease including juvenile mitral stenosis, coronary artery disease including angioplasties, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies and congenital heart diseases.

    Following are the names of the Heads of the Department of Cardiology since its inception:

    Prof. Sujoy B Roy

    Prof. Madan Lal Bhatia

    Prof. Rajan Tandon

    Prof. Harbans Singh Wasir

    Prof. Subhash Chand Manchanda

    Prof. Kewal Krishan Talwar

    Prof. K. Srinath Reddy

    Prof. Vinay Kumar Bahl

    Prof. Anita Saxena (Present Head of the Department)

  • The department was set up by the late Prof K C Kandhari (HoD,1960-1970) and subsequently headed by late Prof L K Bhutani (1974-1996), Prof J S Pasricha (1996-1998), Prof R K Pandhi (1998-2001) and Prof Vinod K Sharma (2001-2020). Prof Neena Khanna has been heading the department since November, 2020.  

    Currently the department has 11 faculty members, 25 post-graduate students, 10 senior residents and 3 Ph D scholars.  

    The department is widely recognised for the quality and innovativeness of its teaching programme for both undergraduate and postgraduates and its contributions to patient care and research. The latter include advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pemphigus, vitiligo (using both medical and surgical techniques and phototherapy), air-borne contact dermatitis, mycetoma, drug reactions, epidermolysis bullosa, ichthyosis-associated rickets and dermatopathology, among others. Faculty members have authored several popular undergraduate and postgraduate textbooks that are used in centres around the world.  

    Members of the faculty have served in leadership positions in national and international professional organisations, provided consultations to governmental and non-governmental agencies, organised workshops and conferences, served on the faculty of meetings worldwide and as visiting professors at universities in other countries. 


    Outpatient services  

    The Skin OPD is located on the third floor of the new Rajkumari Amrit Kaur OPD and caters to outdoor patients from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM.

    An appointment is required to visit the department.The department treats adults and children with diseases of the skin, hair and nail, and sexually transmitted infections. We provide medical, surgical, phototherapy, laser and aesthetic services, as appropriate.

    The department also runs specialty clinics in the afternoon for leprosy, photodermatoses, dermato-surgery and aesthetics, pediatric dermatology, vitiligo and other pigmentary diseases, psoriasis and allergic diseases of the skin including urticaria, contact dermatitis and drug allergies. Patients are referred to the afternoon clinics after initial evaluation in the morning OPDs.

     Day Care and Inpatient services  

    Patients requiring day care and admission to the hospital are admitted to the 30-bed D-I Ward located on the first floor of the Ward Block in the main Hospital. Patients are admitted after evaluation in the OPD or emergency department.

  • The Department of Dietetics at AIIMS was established in the  year 1959.

  • Diet is an important & integral part of curative & prevention health care management.

  • Dietary services at AIIMS is the first public sector hospital to obtain Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) license.

  • Dietary services are digitized through the E-Hospital software.

  • Dietary Services in AIIMS Hospital involves three distinct categories :

    • Medical Nutrition Therapy

    • Food Service Management

    • Teaching, Training & Research


  • To provide  exemplary medical nutrition therapy and hospital food services for patients. 

  • To provide a healthy, hygienic, therapeutic diet to help patients to recover  fast. 

Role of Dietary Services

  • To maintain good nutritional status of all patients.

  • To educate patients about how diet plays a major role in the treatment of various diseases.

  • To modify the daily diet pattern of patients to meet their requirement during various diseased conditions.

  • To correct deficiencies especially in patients with prolonged hospital stay like cancer patients and critical care unit patients.

  • Diet therapy in most instances is not a remedy in itself but is a measure which supplements or makes the medical or surgical treatment more effective.

  • To take care of dietary needs of Indoor General ward & Private ward patients every day. There are various kinds of diets being sent to the patients based on Nutritional screening and Nutritional assessment done by the Dieticians.

The Department of Emergency Medicine was established in 2011. It was created with the vision of providing holistic and quality emergency medical care to all those who seek it.

 The missions of the department are:

To provide quality patient care in Emergency Medicine Department

To upgrade the Department to meet the international norms and standards in patient care

The Department of Hematology was established in January 1989. It is a unique department with clinical and laboratory faculty working together under one roof together for better coordination, resident training and research activities. It is the only department of its kind in the country. It provides clinical facilities in the OPD, day care centre and for indoor patients.

All India Institute of Medical Sciences responded to the challenges of population ageing in India by starting a weekly clinical service in 1993, later upgraded to daily service in August 2010, with focus on establishment of service, human resource development and patience

Care It was the vision and efforts of Prof. (Dr.) A B Dey which led to the establishment of a separate academic department in January 2012 then He became first Head of the Department and expanded its clinical services to provide holistic care with physiotherapy, counselling and dietary services and started a weekly Memory clinic for dementia patients

The Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology started functioning in year The Department is planning to set up a facility which could manage approximately 1000 dead bodies simultaneously and will have all the necessary infrastructural, manpower, resources, residential and transportation facilities related to Forensic Human Identification related to any disaster and Dignified Management of the Dead. At present there is no such single centre nationwide which could handle the management of the dead efficiently as a unified centre in case of a mass disaster. The High-throughput design will encompass all aspects of the management of the dead, starting from recovery of the bodies to final burial rites, including support to the affected families and communities. The setting up of such a facility will require a significant amount of time, until which additional facility for handling 100 bodies in case of disaster will be established along with the present mortuary set-up.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi was established in the year 1958 under Dr P K Malkani. It is currently under the leadership of Prof Sunesh Kumar who envisions making the department an apex centre of patient care, research and education in the country.

Over the years the department has grown keeping pace with the ever-increasing advances in the field of medicine. Currently the department has a state of the art set up and expertise in the fields of Gynecological oncology, In Vitro Fertilization & Reproductive Medicine, Fetal medicine, High risk obstetrics and Gynecological endoscopy.

In addition to providing the latest in patient care, the department under a dynamic leadership, strives to maintain a high standard of research and also train the young doctors to become experts in the field.

As a part of commitment towards the National Family Planning program, the department has an active family planning unit, which offers all the modalities of reversible and permanent methods of contraception. The Department also has an active role in the management of the Comprehensive Rural Health Centre at Ballabgarh and the outreach OPD and operation facilities for gynecologic cancer patients at National Cancer Institute, Jhajjar.

In AIIMS, the Department of Nephrology along with the Department of Surgery provides kidney transplantation facility to patients suffering from End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) since 1972, as per the Certificate of Registration granted by appropriate authorities, from time to time. We follow the Transplantation of Human Organs Rules, 1995 and the subsequent amendments (as and when amended). The information related to the procedure for kidney transplantation at AIIMS is as under. All this information is broad general information for patients and family to understand the process of kidney transplantation at AIIMS. For a specific individual patient, it is always better to discuss with a nephrologist. I. Registration of Patients for Transplantation Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have to first attend Renal Clinic AIIMS, run by the department of Nephrology. Initial evaluation is done to know the cause of kidney disease, its severity, its reversibility (if any) and co-existing conditions (comorbidities). Subsequently, patients are advised renal replacement therapy (RRT) if they have End Stage Kidney Disease, a stage when a patient cannot be maintained on medical treatment alone (CKD-5D). RRT consists of hemodialysis, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) and/or Kidney transplantation. It is a patient and family decision whether they want life-long dialysis (either hemodialysis or CAPD) or kidney transplant. Medically, a patient is advised to have a kidney transplant ONLY when he/she is fit for transplant. Every patient of ESRD may not be fit for kidney transplant and in that case he/she has to remain on life-long dialysis. Some important contraindications for transplantation include: 1) Advanced Coronary artery disease or Cerebrovascular disease 2) Active infection 3) Untreated Malignancy In case of coexisting conditions, patients are treated appropriately before consideration for kidney transplantation. Other investigations needed for transplantation are also carried out. If he/she has any other associated illness, then that illness is investigated in detail and appropriately treated on its own merit, before kidney transplant may be possible. Thus, even though a patient wants a kidney transplant and a donor is available and tested, he/she may have to wait for transplant to solve these issues first before kidney transplant is done. It is important to note that all registration and work-up of patients for kidney transplant is done by the Department of Nephrology. II. Donor Registration for transplantation Patients of ESKD are counseled to bring donors for registration as per existing laws of the country. A detailed history is taken and a complete physical examination is done. This is followed by initial laboratory investigations to assess fitness. Subsequently, detailed tests to assess kidney function and vascular anatomy are done. All these tests are done in a stepwise manner so it takes some time. The patient is included in the waiting list once the patient’s donor is physically examined and initial screening tests are normal. The date of initial registration, when the donor comes with the blood group report and found physically fit on initial screening, is taken for the purpose of seniority. Donor work-up takes about 4-8 weeks, since 2 the tests are done step by step and involve multiple other departments of AIIMS. To save time, some of the tests may be done from other clinics or hospitals, if the donor wishes. However, certain tests have to be done in AIIMS only for the sake of reliability. In case a medically fit living donor is not available in the family, the patient’s name is registered in the cadaver (deceased) donor kidney transplantation waiting list. Cadaver list contains basic details and contact number of patients. Waiting time and medical fitness are two most important criteria for consideration of seniority for cadaver transplant. Timing of cadaver transplant is totally uncertain, and this waiting time for cadaver transplant cannot be predicted for any patient. When a cadaver donor is available, patients are called as per their seniority and medical criteria like blood group etc. III. Who can be Living Donor By Indian Transplant Act and rules, grandparents, parents, sibling, children, grandchildren and spouse, so defined as “near relative” can be donor and if any one of these is prospective donor, very few document formalities for kidney transplant are required. If the donor is other than this, defined as “other than near relatives” whether distant relative or any friend, then there are other formalities required as per law for evaluation of donor. One of them is identity confirmation from the state appropriate body to which the donor belongs. This also takes some time. Further details can be obtained from medical social service officers, who handle such types of kidney transplant document formalities. IV. Inclusion in the Dialysis Programme at AIIMS Since AIIMS has a waiting list for kidney transplant, all patients have to wait for many months and during this time they have to remain on maintenance dialysis. Since facilities for hemodialysis at AIIMS are limited (the department of nephrology has only 13 hemodialysis stations), it is not possible to include all patients registered for kidney transplant with us in our hemodialysis programme immediately. A waiting list of all such patients registered for kidney transplantation is maintained according to the date of registration of the living donor. Patients are included in our dialysis program as per their seniority in the waiting list. Currently we are able to include patients in our dialysis programme only a few days to weeks prior to the scheduled date for kidney transplantation. Patients in the cadaver donor waiting list have to take dialysis outside this hospital since their transplant waiting period is unpredictable; and AIIMS cannot dialyse patients for an indefinite period of time due to paucity of facilities. V. Approximate cost of kidney transplantation (ABO compatible): Cost of transplant is dependent upon many factors and for a particular patient the cost cannot be confirmed at the beginning. AIIMS does not provide kidney transplants on some package basis. However, there are various components of cost, which are as follows: 3 Hemodialysis (3/wk) in AIIMS + Medicines Rs.20,000/- per month Donor work-up Rs.20,000/- Recipient (Non-sensitized) work-up Rs.35,000/- Recipient (Sensitised) work-up Rs.50,000/- Induction therapy (if required) Rs.1,50,000/- Expenditure at the time of transplantation for surgical disposable items Rs.45,000/- CMV Prophylaxis (6 months) Rs.64,000/- Post Kidney transplantation medicines approx. Rs.20,000/- per month for the first year Rs.2,40,000/- (for the first year) Note: The above cost does not include the cost of hemodialysis outside AIIMS, prior to inclusion in the hemodialysis programme at AIIMS. For ABO incompatible kidney transplantation, additional expense of Rs.3,40,000/- is required. Additional Cost/s (as needed): Kidney transplant is a specialized treatment and patients are on specific medications. Because of this, patients are at risk of developing complications, some of them may be serious and require costly treatment. It is difficult to predict which patient will develop such complications. There is significant cost involved in management of such complications like  CMV disease  Anti-rejection therapy with monoclonal antibodies, plasmapheresis etc.  Antifungal treatment for fungal infections VI. Financial Assistance from various government agencies Poor patients may apply for various government sponsored illness assistance funds or to Ayushman Bharat Scheme of Government of India, for which they should contact the hospital social service officers. VII. Blood Requirement Four to six units of blood needs to be arranged for transplant surgery, though all may not be utilized in every case. VIII. Kidney Transplant Counselling: All patients with ESRD are explained the various modalities of RRT in the Renal Clinic. Subsequently detailed counselling is given in the Renal Transplant Counselling Clinic 4 (RTCC). Besides, the Department of Nephrology organizes regular public education programmes, including School Health programmes focusing on kidney disease and transplantation. Public lectures are held on World Kidney Day in the second week of March every year. IX. Waiting period for Living Transplantation At present AIIMS is doing two transplants in a week; and in view of the large number of patients registered for kidney transplant, the current waiting period is about four months. X. Procedure for Registration in cadaver transplant waiting list: 1. Patients with ESRD on regular dialysis (maintenance hemodialysis or chronic peritoneal dialysis for at least for 3 months) are registered for cadaver transplant. They must first register in the Renal Clinic, AIIMS. 2. Preferably, there should be no suitable living donor available 3. Patients on maintenance hemodialysis have to continue taking hemodialysis outside AIIMS 4. Necessary pre-transplant investigations are done 5. Patients are investigated for associated illnesses. If present, associated illnesses are treated appropriately. Patients with untreated associated illness cannot be registered for cadaver transplant. 6. In order to remain in the active cadaver transplant waiting list, the patients must follow up in the Renal Clinic, AIIMS at least once every three months, or as and when required on medical grounds. 7. Patients must report any new illness to the department in the Renal Clinic or RTCC, so that the illness can be assessed and managed. Otherwise the illness may make the patient unfit for renal transplant. No specific waiting period can be specified for patients in the cadaver transplantation waiting list, since it is totally unpredictable when a cadaver donor may be available, who is suitable for a particular patient. Procedure of calling patients at the time of availability of cadaver donor When there is possibility of cadaver donor, department of nephrology starts contacting patients listed for cadaver renal transplant. For one available cadaver kidney, the department usually calls five patients. Patients are contacted as per the blood group of potential donor, and as per the seniority of patients decided from the date of registration for cadaver renal transplant. Those patients who respond to the telephonic call, and are willing for renal transplant at that point of time are required to come to AIIMS urgently. Once 4-5 patients come to hospital within the stipulated time, they are clinically examined for their fitness for renal transplant. Then investigations are sent to assess their fitness. In the meantime, if patients need pre-operation dialysis, dialysis is started pending arrival of the investigation reports to avoid waste of time. When all investigations are available, fitness of patients is reassessed. Patient who is unfit is sent back. In the meantime, surgical teams also assess patients from the point of view of 5 surgical fitness. The senior most patient who is medically and surgically fit is given the kidney so as to have the best outcome. It is possible that a person called for cadaver transplant at one time may not be called next time as patients senior to him may be willing to come in emergency next time when cadaver kidney is available. It basically depends upon the fact that on a particular day, which patients responded to the phone calls and were willing to come for emergency cadaver renal transplant.


  • The hospital has a total of 2362 beds (incl. newly constructed Emergency & Private ward & Trauma centre)
  • There are more than 800 doctors (incl. Faculty members residents) and 4000 Nurses.


OPD services are situated in Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur (RAK) OPD Block and adjoining extended OPD building for Medicine and Pediatrics OPD.

  • OPD Card costing Rs. 10/- can be purchased from the main counter, OPD ground floor. After this, you should get yourself registered at the counter of respective OPDs.

  • You have the right to consult any doctor/ consultant. For seeking appointment with any consultant on his OPD days, you may contact his/her office.

  • Patients are seen on a first come first serve basis. However, out of turn consultation may be provided in case of emergency or to senior citizens.

  • For consultation in Speciality and Super-speciality clinics, you need to have referred from general OPD of AIIMS or any Government Institution.

  • Speciality Clinics – (for details see OPD brochure available at enquiry counter in OPD)

  • Super Speciality Services:- following Centres provide these services-

    • Cardio Thoracic and Neuro Sciences Centre.

    • Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences.

    • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital.

    • National Drugs Dependence Treatment Centre, Ghaziabad.

  • Investigations: After OPD consultation, the treating doctor will fill up the requisition forms for various investigations & direct/guide you to the concerned lab /dept.

    • Sample collection centre for Blood, Urine, Stool etc. – Room No. 27, RAK OPD Ground Floor and Room No. 14A in Extended OPD Block.

    • Sample Collection Timings are:- 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

    • Certain specialized investigations are done on particular days only.

    • The report normally reaches the concerned OPD on the next OPD day.

    • Certain investigations are done free of charge while others are charged as per the prevailing norms fixed by the Government. Patients should Deposit the money only at the designated hospital Cash Counters and obtain the proper receipt.

    • Due to excess workload, waiting periods exist for certain investigations like MRI, CT, USG etc. Patients are given future dates by the concerned departments. However, these may be done out of turn in urgent situations, on recommendation of the treating doctor.

  • Many facilities are provided at OPD level e.g. ECG, Plaster, Injection and Immunization Room, Contraception and MTP Services, Minor Surgical Intervention, Physiotherapy, Bronchoscopy, Endoscopy etc.

  • Medical fitness / Medical examination and other such certificates are issued after paying the requisite fees. For this purpose contact the central registration office, ground floor OPD.

  • The decision to admit a patient rests with the treating doctor. The patient will be admitted only if a vacant bed is available. But, in case of emergency, out of turn admission may be done.

  • Wheel chairs, patient trolleys etc. are available free of charge at the entrance of OPD.

  • OPDs have a waiting hall with chairs, STD booth, TVs, lifts, ramp for Ortho OPD, public utilities like drinking water & toilets etc. on each floor.

  • You should park your vehicle in the paid parking only otherwise it is likely to be towed away.

  • To meet the day-to-day needs of patients, there is a canteen and grocery shop in front of the private ward block; medical stores, book shops, general store and STD booths in the subway nearby.


    • Patients admitted in the General Ward of AIIMS have to deposit bed charges in advance of 10 days at the rates approved by Government from time to time (currently Rs. 375). This entitles them to doctor consultations, certain basic investigations, life-saving medicines and surgical items, diet, linen, I.V. fluids etc.

    • For allotment in Private Wards, after recommendation by the treating doctor, the patient should contact the Medical Superintendent Office. A waiting list is maintained and the private room is allotted as per the waiting list. The hospitalization charges of the private room are as under-
      Deluxe (A Class) – Rs. 1700/- per day(Inclusive of doctors visit fee
      Semi Deluxe(B Class) – Rs. 1100/- per day and routine investigation, diet etc.)
      Private ward patients are charged additionally for specific investigations, procedures, operations etc.

    • All in-patients receive treatment by a team of Resident Doctors and Nurses, available round the clock, under the supervision and guidance of Faculty Members of AIIMS.

    • Hospital Attendants are available in different wards to help with inpatient care and related activities.

    • All the wards are fully equipped with modern gadgets & equipment e.g. ventilators, monitors, defibrillators, nebulisers, central O2 & suction supply etc. to provide top quality medical care.

    • Indoor services have central air conditioning, hot and cold water, toilets, portable X-ray machines, ECG services – (2nd floor, C2 ward), Generator back up, emergency lights, internal telephone, chairs for attendants etc.

    • Waste disposal is done as per the established rules (Biomedical waste management and handling rules, 1998) and utmost care is taken to keep the premises neat and clean.

    • Every inpatient is provided with two attendant passes.

    • Visitors are allowed only during notified visiting hours i.e. 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    • Special Investigations like USG, CT, MRI etc. are changed as per the rates approved by the Government and revised from time to time.

    • For very poor patients, on the recommendation of the treating Doctor, the hospital charges may be waived off by Med. Supdt./ his nominee and costly drugs/surgical items may be provided by the hospital.

    • Financial assistance is also available through the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund, NIAF, and other such funds. You may contact the Medical Social Service Dept. & Welfare Officer in this regard.

    • Bed linen is changed at the time of admission, thereafter on every alternate day, and also whenever required.

    • Food is served three times a day. Also, Tea is provided in the morning.

    • Facilities provided in the private ward – Each room has – attached toilets & bathroom, T.V. with cable connection, Refrigerator, A.C., sofas, bed for attendant, chairs, and table, geyser, emergency light, phone with the incoming facility, etc.

    • Destitute unattended patients are provided with attendants from the hospital, drugs & surgical items are provided from the hospital and all hospital charges are waived. Medical Social Service Officers help in location and calling the relatives/family members of unattended/unknown patients Destitute patients are relocated to some destitute home after discharge from hospital.

    • Short Admissions requiring stay for less than 24 hours are done for minor illness/some investigations/Interventions. At present the admission charges for this are Rs. 60/-

    • Daycare facilities are available for certain types of operations. e.g. laparoscopic surgery; daycare chemotherapy; blood transfusion, dialysis, endoscopies, and similar interventions.

    • Operation Theatres

      • The institute has fully equipped modern Operation Theatres, where all kinds of major and minor surgeries are performed using the latest techniques and technology.

      • For routine surgeries, the respective departments maintain a waiting list. Patients are called and operated upon as per the waiting list. But, in case of emergencies/urgencies, the out of turn surgeries are also performed, at the discretion of the treating doctors.

      • The patient should get his Pre-Anaesthetic check-up done in PAC Room on the 5th-floor OPD Block during the afternoon before getting admitted for operation and follow the instructions given by the treating Doctors.

    • ICUs The hospital has a fully equipped Main ICU on the 8th Floor, AB wing to provide expert ICU care. There are ICUs/HDUs in a few wards of the main hospital and CTVS ICU & NS ICU in CN Centre. Patients requiring urgent ICU care are admitted to ICUs at the discretion of treating Doctors.

    • Laboratory Services

      • Emergency Lab – 24 hours, throughout the year, for all emergency investigations.

      • Routine Lab – Sample Collection Timings:- Weeks Days – 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

    Saturday – 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

    • All types of routine and special investigations incl. Biochemical, microbiological, pathology, immunology and genetic studies are done at AIIMS.

    • Blood Bank:- AIIMS has a licensed modern, state of the art Blood Bank that functions 24 hours a day and provides facilities for blood donation, storage, issue of blood and its components. Strict precautions are taken and testing is done to prevent any borne infection. If your patient requires blood transfusions, then you are requested to arrange healthy blood donors for donating blood in order to reduce shortage of blood.

    • Miscellaneous Facilities

    • Ambulance facility is available to transfer patients to other hospitals or meet any emergency/disaster situation.

    • If required, patients’ attendants may stay in Rajgarhia Dharamshala / Sureka Vishram Sadan after paying the prevailing charges situated near the East Campus of AIIMS.

    • Free battery operated vans (Parikrama Sewa) are available for transporting patients and attendants with in the campus


  • Telephone No.s of Central Enquiry— 26588500, 26588900, 26588700

  • Enquiry counters & help desks also exist in the OPD at various locations where one can enquire and seek help in case of any problem. Besides, there are Medical Social Services located in Room No. 9, Ground Floor, OPD, where MSSO/Social Guides are available for any help.

AIIMS Helplines:

  • Emergency Services numbers – 26594405 (Medicine Emergency), 26594706( Surgery Emergency) 26583062 (RP Centre Casualty) – operates round the clock

  • AIDS Helpline“Shubhchintak”- 26588333 (from 10:00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M. Mon. to Fri.).

  • ORBO (Organ Retrieval Banking Organisation)- 1060, 26588360, 26593444

  • Poison Information Centre- 1800 116 117 (toll-free) 26593677, 26589391, ( functions round the clock)

  • Eye Donation (National Eye Bank) – 26593060, 26589461


  • It is located in Room No. 12, Ground floor, Private Ward Block, M.S. Office, AIIMS

  • The contact Nos. are – 26589279; 26593308 

  • Control Room functions round the clock, under the Dept. of Hospital Administration and managed by Duty Officers, who deal with any administrative problem, provide assistance and listen to public grievances about patient care.

We have 75 doctors listed in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) with comprehensive information about the doctor including qualification, experience, education, procedures and conditions treated, expertise, and more. You can search the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) doctors list by name or specialty.

Here are details by speciality:

  •  Cardiology (11),
  • Psychiatry (10),
  • Neurosurgery (5), Neurology (4), Ophthalmology (3), ENT (Otolaryngology) (3), Anesthesiology (2), Orthopedic Surgery (2), General Medicine (2), Laboratory Medicine (2), Oncology (2), Infectious Diseases (2), Sleep Medicine (1), Pulmonology (1), Obstetrics and Gynecology (1), Joint Replacement Surgery (1), Gynaecological Endoscopy (1), Histopathology (1), Child Psychiatry (1), Orthopedics (1), Reproductive Medicine (1), Pediatric Neurology (1), Minimally Invasive Surgery (1), Uro Oncology (1), ENT and Head & Neck Surgery (1), Physiology (1), Naturopathy (1), Pathology (1), Gastrointestinal Surgery (1), Biochemistry (1), Cardiothoracic Surgery (1), Cardiac Surgery (1), Cardiac Anesthesia(1), Dentistry (1), Endodontics (1), Dermatology (Skin) (1), Endocrinology (1), Gastroenterology (1), Hepatology (1), Pediatric Surgery (1), Hematology (1), Surgical Oncology (Cancer Surgery) (1), Medical Oncology (1), Radio-Diagnosis (1), Psychology (1), Pediatric Oncology (1), Micro-Biology(1),NuclearMedicine(1),Pediatrics