Kotbagi Hospital 163, D.P. Road, Pune, Maharashtra – 411007 Phone: 020 4310 0410, 4310 0400

Kotbagi Hospital

163, D.P. Road, Pune, Maharashtra – 411007

Phone: 020 4310 0410, 4310 0400 

Rates for hospital wards at Kotbagi Hospital

Hospital FacilityRates
General WardRs. 750.00
Semi Private WardRs. 1500.00 (Twin Sharing)
Private WardRs. 2000.00 (Non AC)
Private WardRs. 2250.00 (Luxury Room)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG)Rs. 700.00 (Whole Abdomen)
Vitamin D TestRs. 750.00
Vitamin B12 TestRs. 650.00
Bone Density Test / Dexa ScanRs. 2200.00
Blood Sugar TestRs. 110.00
Blood Group TestRs. 100.00
Lipid ProfileRs. 540.00
Liver Function Test (LFT)Rs. 520.00
Kidney / Renal Function TestRs. 225.00
Thyroid TestRs. 865.00
Urine RoutineRs. 80.00
Stool RoutineRs. 80.00
Folic Acid TestRs. 750.00
HIV TestRs. 420.00
Iron TestRs. 530.00
Audiometry TestRs. 700.00
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) TestRs. 1000.00
Anti TPO TestRs. 850.00
ICURs. 2500.00
Gamma GT (GGTP) TestRs. 420.00
Amylase TestRs. 105.00
CA-125 (Tumor Marker) TestRs. 1080.00
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) TestRs. 420.00
Cortisol TestRs. 700.00
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) TestRs. 110.00
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) TestRs. 2200.00
Bicarbonate TestRs. 120.00
Bilirubin TestRs. 120.00
D Dimer TestRs. 1200.00
Calcium TestRs. 135.00
Chloride TestRs. 120.00
Coombs TestRs. 500.00
Prolactin TestRs. 420.00
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) TestRs. 350.00
Potassium TestRs. 120.00
Sodium TestRs. 120.00
Cholesterol TestRs. 110.00
Creatinine TestRs. 100.00
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) TestRs. 220.00
Dengue IgG TestRs. 510.00
Dengue IgM TestRs. 510.00
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) TestRs. 50.00
Triglycerides TestRs. 180.00
VDRL TestRs. 110.00
CBC / Hemogram TestRs. 285.00
Renal ProfileRs. 225.00
Uric Acid TestRs. 50.00
Blood Urea Nitrogen TestRs. 54.00
ASO TestRs. 290.00
HBsAg TestRs. 102.00
Urea TestRs. 100.00
Pregnancy TestRs. 80.00
Electrolytes TestRs. 360.00
CA 15.3 TestRs. 1200.00
CA 19.9 TestRs. 1200.00
Albumin TestRs. 80.00
PAP SmearRs. 550.00
Hemoglobin (Hb) TestRs. 85.00
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) TestRs. 420.00
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) TestRs. 75.00
Doctor Visit ChargesRs. 600.00 (ICU, General Doc. / In Semi Private And Private Ward, General Doc.)
Doctor Visit ChargesRs. 800.00 (ICU, Specialist Doctor / Semi Private and Private Ward, Specialist Doc)
Doctor Visit ChargesRs. 250.00 (RMO – General Ward)
Doctor Visit ChargesRs. 500.00 (RMO – Deluxe Room)
Doctor Visit ChargesRs. 400.00 (General Ward / RMO – Semi Private Ward / RMO – Private Ward)
Oxygen ChargesRs. 2000.00
Ventilator ChargesRs. 3500.00
Nursing ChargesRs. 75000.00 (Umbilical Hernia – Laparoscopic Surgery – General ward )
Nursing ChargesRs. 80000.00 (Umbilical Hernia – Open Surgery – Semi Private ward )
Nursing ChargesRs. 90000.00 (Umbilical Hernia – Laparoscopic Surgery – Semi Private ward )
Nursing ChargesRs. 85000.00 (Umbilical Hernia – Open Surgery – Private ward )
Nursing ChargesRs. 95000.00 (Umbilical Hernia – Laparoscopic Surgery – Private ward )
Nursing ChargesRs. 130000.00 (Umbilical Hernia – Open Surgery – Deluxe Room)
Nursing ChargesRs. 140000.00 (Umbilical Hernia – Laparoscopic Surgery – Deluxe Room )
Nursing ChargesRs. 200.00 (Same For All Rooms)
Nursing ChargesRs. 60000.00 (Umbilical Hernia – Open Surgery – General ward )
Deposit Required (For Admission)Rs. 40000.00 (Same For All Rooms – For Hernia Surgery)
Deposit Required (For Admission)Rs. 10000.00 (General Ward)
Deposit Required (For Admission)Rs. 15000.00 (ICU, Variable With ICU Services)
Delivery ChargesRs. 30000.00 (Normal Delivery, General Ward, Operative Charges)
Delivery ChargesRs. 40000.00 (Operation Delivery, General Ward, Operative Charges / Normal Delivery, Private Ward Non AC, Operative Charges)
Delivery ChargesRs. 50000.00 (Operation Delivery, Private Ward Non AC, Operative Charges)
Delivery ChargesRs. 45000.00 (Normal Delivery, Private Ward Luxury Room, Operative Charges)
Delivery ChargesRs. 55000.00 (Operation Delivery, Private Ward Luxury Room, Operative Charges)
OPD Consultation FeeRs. 330.00 (Gynecologist Doc. / MD Doc. )
OPD Consultation FeeRs. 100.00 (General Physician)
OPD Consultation FeeRs. 250.00 (Surgeon)
IPD Registration FeeRs. 100.00
ANCA ProfileRs. 1500.00
Anti CCP (ACCP) TestRs. 1450.00
HSG TestRs. 3000.00
HLA B27 TestRs. 2300.00